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The Michigan Chronicles

The Michigan Chronicles are a collection of stories from the days of yesteryear. The adventures begin in the nineteenth century, with two families farming in a small pioneer community nestled along the Huron River. The site, now known as Ypsilanti, is where the old Indian trail crossed over the Huron River. Come travel to a place in time where life was simpler....

Book 1

A Decision of the Heart

Story Line Summary

How do you live when life takes you down a path not of your choosing?

Feisty and daring, Elzabeth Somers thrives on adventure. When tragedy strikes and she's stranded with a broken ankle in the midst of a raging snowstore, her carefree existence comes to an abrupt halt.

An abominable snow-covered man rescues her from an icy grave, taking her to an abandoned cabin to wait out the storm. Elizabeth's reputation is called into question once the small-town gossips get wind of their stay. Her life spins out of control.

She's powerless to stop it....

A Decision of the Heart is not just a moving story of faith rising above suffering, slander, and life's circumstances, it's about a tender love that begins with a decision -

A Decision of the Heart


Discount Code: 8LQV6YMU
$ 2.00 off the Listing Price
ISBN: 978-0-615455-33-4
Paperback: 478 pages

Listing Price: $ 18.95

Book 2

A Heart of Joy

Story Line Summary

How do you live with loss?

Olivia Ordan must accept that her ailing parents are leaving their home in Tecumseh to seek medical treatment in their final days. Intent on seeing Olivia wed before they part, her father resorts to unconventional methods in order to find her a husband.

After careful consideration, he is convinced that the young man coming to dinner will be perfect for her. He can only hope his daughter will agree ....

A Heart of Joy is not just a moving saga of overcoming faith, it's also a heartwarming romance filled with adventure that ultimately leads to -

A Heart of Joy



Listing Price: $ 18.95
Paperback: 450 pages
ISBN: 978-0-615466-06-4


Discount Code: 8LQV6YMU
$ 2.00 off the Listing Price